Saturday, July 2, 2011

Wrapped Up

Have you ever met someone, where you think about them constantly and they're embedded deep in your heart and brain, where your completely captivated by everything they say and do? Completely engrossed, where your world is taking over by them. Now when you sleep, you dream them. Every thought of them controls your next move. Taste is gone, color becomes dull, and nothing matters nor is relevant besides the one you love. Their arms are your home, where you can just be trapped in for eternity. Every moral and goal you have no longer becomes important and the world around you starts to fade. All thats left is your lover, and you wrapped in each other's arms.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Letter to "V"

I know I've let you down and failed you drastically. I broke your heart along with all the trust with it. Fact is we all make mistakes, the thought of whether we love someone enough helps us make our decision to either let go, or evolve. If you see something great and profound, you shouldn't give up on it because it has let you down or failed to work. Because when you love something dearly, you find a way to make it work. "V" you are the breath to my lungs, and the motivation for me to keep living. Your everything to me, and I mean everything. We all make mistakes as human beings and learn then grow from it. You are my other half that makes me whole. Even if you can find a better instrument, don't abandon the old one if you really love it, unless you truly feel it is obsolete. I love you, and I want to spend the rest of my life doing so.

Friday, February 4, 2011


As I cry my eyes out, I begin to wonder to myself, whats my purpose in life? When you have no emotions nor feelings, what is your purpose in life? Seems like im not supposed to give my heart away, because everytime I do, my heart gets taken away and broken. I think I might actually feel better carving my heart out of my chest. The soundless beats of a cold shattered heart. Now all I want to do, is be your sheild to protect you from the rest of the world. I love you and if you aren't in my world, I have no world.

Monday, October 18, 2010


How can we turly understand each other, when we don't share the same pain. Fact is you will never understand mine! Pain, the feeling that never goes away. The feeling that cripples your veins, draining every inch of blood left, the feeling that leaves you numb. Revenge, a feeling born from pain, the feeling that revives you when you die, the feeling that makes you stronger and darkens your heart, the feeling that makes you closer to being alone, and thirsty for inevitable destruction.

The only way you will know, is if you kill me, and take my place.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Dark Premonition

You dont know me, yet you judge me

Who are you to tell me what to do?

Who are you to tell me who to be?, what to say?, or how to act?

My life doesnt revolve around you, nor will it ever

You dont love me, you just love the fact of being with me

You've trapped me in this mental asylum with no guide for a way out

This internal vortex has confined me within these depths

I am trapped, lost without hope

Where am I?

Am I dead?

I'm beginning to love this feeling

I am reborned, brainwashed, with no way back

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Lost Spirit!

I'm lost, but my soul is frozen in time. It appears the more I pain, the more I'm happy

I've been used to pain all my life, I guess its the only thing that I enjoy

I'm not a psychopath neither am I crazy, I'm just lost, trapped in space, gazing at stars that don't

exist. Waiting for someone to wake me up from this dream. But no one does, so I continue to

hover and wonder what direction to wonder next. I walk the earth everyday seeing happy,

nothing but happy, and I continue to grow sad, no one is waking me up, fine then leave me alone!

Don't wake me up! Wait!, wait what? Whats that? whats what? Over there I see someone, looks

like a guy, he whispered in my ear, and told me i was dead.

Internal Phoenix

You've killed me, destroyed me, and left me for dead. I can't breath, I can't stand, I face this horrible dread. My heart beats no more, I'm trapped in this fiery place. Hopes thoughts and dreams, they all went to waste. Saturated from the thousand of tears I've cried, I extinguished the flames with one single eye. But darkness continues to linger in my soul, something so dark, it turns the whole world cold.With vision lost, I now cannot see, It appears I am dead, this cannot be. Breathless, lingering around lost in space, finally I've found the courage to see you face to face. Hearing your name ignites a flame in my heart, reborn from the ashes, with a soul still dark. I am reborn as a phoenix!